Full-mouth scaling or full-mouth disinfection (within 24 hours) for treatment of periodontitis


This Cochrane review update comparing full-mouth scaling/disinfection (FMS/D) to conventional quadrant scaling for periodontitis for the treatment of periodontitis included 20 RCTs. However there is still no clear evidence that FMS/D approaches provide additional clinical benefit compared to conventional treatment.

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Chlorhexidine gel as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment


This review of the efficacy of adjunctive subgingival administration of chlorhexidine gel in nonsurgical periodontal treatment for chronic periodontitis included 17 RCTs only one of which was at low risk of bias for all domains. Findings suggest an improvement in pocket probing depth but not for clinical attachment.

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Periodontitis- full mouth disinfection or quadrant scaling?

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13 small RCTs were identified for this review, comparing full mouth interventions with quadrant scaling for periodontitis. Limited evidence of a small benefit was found in two comparisons.

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Periodontal disease: no clear evidence that full-mouth scaling superior to conventional treatment approaches


This updated Cochrane review now includes 12 trials. However, there is no clear evidence that full-mouth scaling or full-mouth disinfection provides additional benefit compared to conventional scaling and root planing.

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Better outcomes with metronidazole and amoxicillin as an adjunct to full mouth disinfection for patients with aggressive periodontitis

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About 1 in 1000 susceptible patients suffers from aggressive periodontitis. Sufferers have more rapid  gingival attachment loss with some losing more that half their bony support by 35. This can be localised  to a small number of teeth or more generalised.  The aim of this study was to evaluate the adjunctive clinical and microbiological effects [read the full story…]